Are you hung up on someone you can't have?

Is Your Kryptonite Destroying Your Relationship?

DonnaBarnes Fix Our Issues 1 Comment

Can’t stop thinking about someone you can’t have? Feel like you’re settling in some way for the relationship you’re in? That’s what I call Relationship kryptonite. Perhaps it’s your ex that you haven’t gotten over, “the one that got away”. Or frequently it’s a one night stand, or a fabulous …

Are you in limbo waiting for something to change about your relationship?

Are You in Limbo?

DonnaBarnes Fix Our Issues Leave a Comment

Are you waiting for something to happen that is out of your control? Like for your ex to come back, to get married, or move forward? That’s being in limbo, and limbo sucks. Take your power back. Make a strong choice that you want something better. Take action and/or walk …